There are several valuable roles within the Committee. Other than our President, who is elected by the whole membership and is responsible for the overall running of our WI,
principal officers are agreed within the Committee and include:
The Vice President - who supports the President and shares some of her responsibilities
The Secretary - who ensures Committee business is carried out
The Treasurer - who oversees our WI’s accounts for the Committee and membership
Our members elect a new committee each year at our Annual Meeting. It may also co-opt members for specific duties. Any vacancy which occurs during our WI year may be filled by co-option until our WI’s next Annual Meeting.
Joining our WI Committee is a great way to share the tasks with other committee members and play an active part in the life of our WI.
WI Committee
Our Committee members are responsible for running our WI and devising its programme of events and activities
The main activity of our Committee is to meet monthly to discuss our WI’s business. We keep minutes of each meeting and organise the monthly members’ meetings and the events and activities for our members. We stay up to date the with Devon Federation and the NFWI and we feed this back to our members. We discuss local policy and agree plans of events and activities with the members while overseeing the funds of our WI.